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Our Story
I guess to help paint a picture of how we have gotten where we are now, we need to start at the beginning. Growing up there was never a time my childhood home wasn't full of animals. Dogs, birds, cats, iguanas, etc. I feel safe saying this is where my love for animals started and only grew from there. Every great memory I have growing is shared with one of these animals. Overtime many things changed but the two things that stayed the same is the importance of family and how important that is. The second is that I believe when you find the right pet regardless of the species it isn't just a pet it is a family member, and the addition of this animal can be the piece that makes your family complete or just strengthen the bond that's already there.
I had the privilege of have two generations of Bengal breeders that I was able to learn from and really see how special the Bengal cats really are. When my wife and I bought our first two Bengal kittens, she didn't know at the time but this was the first step for me to following a dream I have had since I was little. Working with animals and even better Bengals, which are my absolute favorite. This was my wife's first experience with Bengal cats, so I prayed that she would love them as much as I did. Just like that the grew on her like they were her on kids. I had the feeling that Rafikie and Zara were more welcome in our home than even I was. After a while I brought it to her attention that I would like to Breed Bengal cats, like my parents do and my grandmother does. She was instantly on board I think for a different reason than me, I believe she was just excited to be having more kittens in the house to play with, where as I was thinking of all the family's that will the opportunity to be blessed with a having a Bengal.
We have been breeding Bengals since 2015, and loving every second of it. All of our kittens are raised in our home. They grow up around other cats/ a couple dogs/ a couple toddlers as well. Needles to say they are being raised to be the prefect family addition.
Being a military vet myself we do offer a 5% discount on non-discounted kittens/cats, for all active duty or retired first responders. Thank you for your service for all that have served.
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